TN search
How to use the TN search tool?
To conduct an TN Search enter the company name or TN number of any company in the search bar above.
When you would like to find out more about a company, an TN search will provide important data about the company, and most of all you will have faith that it is a real registered company and they are who they say they are.
Alternatively, you may want to use the TN Look Up to check the current status of your TN record. It may be in need of annual renewal, or you may require it for a particular transaction and need to get a reminder of what your 20 digit TN code is.
TN search
What does TN status mean?
Conducting an TN check will reveal the entity TN Status. This will tell you whether the information contained within the record is likely to be valid or needs to be renewed. If the TN code has not been renewed recently, it may contain outdated data.
Issued The TN is currently active, but will need to be renewed annually.
Lapsed The TN has expired and the data has not been renewed.
TN search
What information will the legal entity identifier search tool provide?
The purpose of the Entity identifier is to provide standardised information of participants in the global financial system. The TN was created to bring transparency around who is who and who owns whom.
TN Daa is reliable and up to date. The data contained on any TN record includes:
- Company registered name
- Company number
- Date of incorporation
- Registered Address
- Company Form (e.g. Limited Company)
- Type (branch, corporation, sole trader)
- Parental structure (e.g. Google owned Alphapbet)
- Renewal date
TN search
Can the TN search 2.0 be used for kyc (know your customer)?
The TN finder can also be used to improve your organisations KYC processes. If you would like to add an extra layer of security to your KYC process, start using the TN Look Up today.
It is the perfect addition to any internal organisational process which involves identity checks. The tool is free to use and the data is global, reliable (corroborated with local RA sources) and updated daily!
Regulators and financial institutions currently implement an TN check as part of their KYC checks. A companies TN verification allows the most vital data to be captured when onboarding new customers.
A recent study conducted by McKinsey discovered that replacing current, outdated KYC techniques with a simple TN check can save the global banking industry between $2 - 4 Billion US Dollars annually.
With access to the TN database, banks are able to identify trends and money laundering threats with more efficiency. Because of the global nature of the TN system banks can put processes in place to block, intercept or alert authorities to suspected illegal activity.
The GLEIF TN Search 2.0 or alternatively our API powered TN 2.0 search tool provides free and unlimited access to the global TN database for regulators and market participants alike.
TN search
TN Watchlist
The TN watchlist can be used to easily track relevant or group LEIs and receive notifications on their renewal dates. Simply navigate the Legal Entity Identifier search, or complete an TN check up to find an TN you are looking for, and click on “Add TN to watchlist”. Please note you must be logged into your RAMP account in order to access the TN Watchlist.
The TN Watchlist can be used in conjunction with the TN Look Up tool in order to easily add LEIs into a dashboard. If you have LEIs with other providers,, or too many LEIs and not sure where they are being managed, or want to ensure your clients LEIs are active, simply add the Legal Entity Identifiers to your watchlist for greater oversight, and throw away the outdated spreadsheets, the TN watchlist is your new, free to use TN tracking tool!
TN search
An TN check up is the process of searching for an TN on the TN finder and using the live data contained within that record to cross match with your internal records, validate the identity of a client or vendor, or check if an TN needs to be renewed. There are many reasons you may want to conduct an TN check up and the TN search tool can be used for most.
TN search
If you have conducted an TN Search using the lookup tool and it has produced too many results you can behind filtering the search results. First of all the TN Search will offer a secondary search, whereby you can conduct a more particular sub-search, within a main primary search.
For example if I search for FUND, the TN look-up returns over 6,743 pages of results with 15 Legal Entity Identifiers on each page. To narrow this down you will be prompted to search again, within those results. To search within the search, just enter a relevant term such as UMBRELLA into the secondary search. This should narrow it down, the more keywords you can enter the more precise the TN finder will be.
TN search
If you are using the TN search results and are only interested in results from a particular country you can use the country filter to filter, and sort LEIs alphabetically by country/jurisdiction. The TN Lookup uses the ISO country code e.g GB for Great Britian. If you are unsure of the country code you require you can find this online.
TN search
We are here to help…
If you are having trouble locating a particular entity, or finding out about their TN code, or perhaps cannot find your own TN code please contact us. Our team are very experienced in navigating the TN database and will be happy to help you conduct KYC checks free of charge.